Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Movie Review - Captain America 3 Civil War

Best movie on Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Hands Down.
There is a doubt that the Russo Brothers, regardless of what they managed to accomplish with  fascinating Winter Soldier, will not be able to summarize the action of war between superheroes so phenomenal it into a movie that does not end up merely as a fan-service. This is a movie that not only will load almost any superhero that had already been introduced through the Marvel movies and Avengers solo, but also two new superhero who finally got into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). That in the end, they will inevitably, have to sacrifice what makes Winter Soldier so incredible two years ago. But fortunately, none of these concerns occur. Civil War is an exceptional superhero movie that will make you fall in love and placing it as one of the most favorite in your heart. You will end up nodding your head after tasting it directly.

Civil War did a great job because of the ability of the director and scriptwriter for dispensing a consequence concepts and motifs in proportion so fit and rational. We all understand that it can not be easy to ensure 10 superhero characters are merged into one same space could end up to be the focus of attention. Always there will be sacrificed or end forced. But not in the Civil War. Prowess is a success to ensure that all these characters have a portion of the story so memorable, yet so important moments that make their role more shining and not just end up be a cameo or supporting characters who have no contribution at all on the side of the story. This makes their motivation to fight and siding with either side - Team Captain America or Team Ironman into something rational, something you can understand, and may end up to be something that you support the fullest. The result? When the big moment arrived and the "Civil War" that happens, you managed to see each of these characters as different individuals with different motivations.

Storytelling of Civil War is just one of the reasons to fall in love with it, because on this movie, we think, is also worthy of the title as one of the superhero movie with a ''CRAZIEST'' battle scene so far. You might remember the scene of the fight Thor and Ironman in first Avengers? Or when Hulk Buster with Hulk trying to keep anger in Age of Ultron? Or when the Falcon against Ant-Man in the Ant-Man solo movie? Now imagine the same sensations, you multiply 10-fold with all the Avengers characters directly involved in it. Sound crazy? Indeed, as crazy as it was and as cool as imagined. 

Captain America: Civil War ended with the title ''best Marvel superhero movie'' so far, at least in our eyes. Almost all the elements you would expect from the name of "Civil War", regardless of whether you are a fan of the comic series or not, executed so sweet here. What do you like about Winter Soldier enhanced with a strong story line that is able to ensure every Avengers characters involved in it is departing from a motivation that can be trusted and understood. Super epic fight scenes that will make you smile like a child up to the introduction of two characters - Black Panther and Spider-Man were also executed by the sweet will make you satisfied when a list of credits has surfaced in sight.

14 komentar:

  1. reviewnya keren, informatif dan menambah wawasan, can't wait to see more

    1. Makasih Gan. nantikan review film,musik,game yang lain

  2. Balasan
    1. kasar sekali mas, dan bukan bermaksud menggurui, yang benar itu kontol mas menurut KBBI, dari tulisannya biar saya tebak anda pasti agak besar badannya

  3. Ini yang owner sandalgapitzstory ya? Reviewnya sangat informatif mas. Oiya copyrightnya jangan lupa ya mas

    1. wah mas jeremy, terima kasih masukannya mas, saya suka curhatan mas di eckhart blog yang judulnya "HOOORAY !!!! SELESAI UN !!!" mengispirasi sekali


    2. Iya bang sangat menginspirasi ceritanya apalagi yg lomba makan kerupuk

    3. itu memang sangat menginspirasi banyak sekali orang mas zulfi. banyak yang menangis membaca itu, bahkan mau diangkat jadi sebuah novel. terima kasih sekali ya mas. ditunggu karya yang lainnya

    4. Ayo bantu viralkan eckhart's blog supaya bisa menginspirasi banyak anak untuk sekolah!10101011011001!!!!

  4. Tolong blog ini di tutup saja ya. Isinya sangat tidak bermanfaat dan tidak bermoral. Anda ini siapa bisa review film ini ? Apakah anda kritikus film ? Pasti bukan. Jadi saya sarankan anda untuk menutup blog ini

    1. gregory ya?? lama nggak ketemu. gimana di pangkalan bun? kok kasar gregory

    2. Bukan somad. Saya ini zulkifli masa kamu lupa somad. Somad yg buang air besar dicelana

  5. kerennya:)))) terharu liatnyaaa:")


About Me


This is me. What you see is what you get. I'm not lazy. Someone just stole my motivation. My life motto is simple,Follow Your Dreams. Moviegoer, Gamer, Swimmer, Writer, Reader, Learner, Sleeper, Thinker, Listener, Big Eater



